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Looking for a great resource for all things Real Estate in Central Oregon?

The Bend Investor Group is the place for insights into the Central Oregon real estate market. For those looking into real estate investing at any level, this is a group worth joining.

The mission of the group is to be a place to Share, Learn, Grown, and Connect. It is a place to connect online to share insights and tips as well as a free public monthly meeting for any level of Real Estate investing, whether you are just thinking about it, or are a serious full-time investor.

Hundreds of people are already connecting, and interest is continuing to grow. Each meeting new connections are made, tips are shared, and they even give away free stuff! Just recently a deal was put together between 3 members: a Realtor, an investor, and a Lender.

The best part of the group is that you will always leave with more knowledge than you came with. As you learn from others and participate, the group grows. You can also gain a ton from the motivational aspect of the meet up. You need to come and see the power this group has. 

  • Ken Mucha (Founder)

We think it would be well worth your time to check out the Bend Investor Group. If you have ever considered Real Estate as an investment or what to make sure any real estate you do buy is working for you, not against you – this is the place for you.

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